any difficult or perplexing situation or problem.
It’s Tuesday again, and you know what that means… today is Truth Be Told Tuesday. Thanks for checking in.
Early this year I wrote a piece entitled: “Something New, Something Better” outlining my son, Bryce’s, disappointing news that Miami University was rescinding his football scholarship with the hiring of the a new head football coach.
The information was tough to receive and was more difficult to observe as a parent the pain it caused my son. The words I shared with Bryce during that time was God had something new, something better for him if he was willing to accept God’s will and direction for his life.
I’m proud to say Bryce did just that.
Columbus Academy 2014 Prom: Lee, Charlie, & Bryce
On July 16th Bryce will be leaving for the Air force Academy in Colorado Springs and attend one year of prep school on the campus of Air Force and then will attend the Academy.
He will be playing football at the Air Force Academy.
Something new, something better.
Below is the first part of a three-part Air Force Academy essay of 500 words or less answering a few questions surrounding setbacks and ethical dilemmas.
Describe a setback or ethical dilemma that you have faced. How did you resolve it? How did the outcome affect you? Most importantly, what did you learn about yourself and how would you handle a similar situation in the future?
Life presents many obstacles, so called “Brick Walls.” We, as people, are challenged daily with difficult situations and it’s up to us to decide how we plan to respond to these challenges.
There are two types of people in this world: people who are able to take on difficult challenges and trying circumstances with a champion’s attitude and resolve, and those who let challenges defeat them.
I’m proud to say I am not the type of person that struggles with meeting the demands of my reality. I’m not easily defeated. I’ve been taught that the world is not perfect. More times than not things will not go your way, but these situations are temporary and are not times to feel sorry for your self, instead they’re an opportunity to problem solve and mature as an individual. Finding solutions to unfortunate situations is much easier said than done, but it is possible as long as there is communication, reasonable and fair compromise, perseverance and a proper perspective.
A recent and painful dilemma reminds me of the truth of those words.
#22 | Touchdown! – CA vs Bexley (Fall 2012)
During the summer of 2013 I was offered a full athletic scholarship to Miami University (Oxford, OH.) to play football. Over the next few months I assured the coaching staff of my desire to be a Redhawk. Ultimately, I decided to verbally commit to Miami as a football recruit in the fall of 2013.
Excited about having settled on a college to attend, I had the luxury of playing football and attending school without the stress of seeking admission to numerous colleges and universities my senior year. In the midst of my season, Miami University’s head football coach and his staff were fired. Although this was disappointing, the athletic director reassured me that the scholarship would still be offered, no matter what direction they go in coach-wise.
After a short time the new head coach was hired, and I received a phone call three weeks before National Signing Day informing me that the football program would be moving in a new direction, and that they would no longer be offering me an athletic scholarship.
With this disappointing news I was left to overcome the biggest dilemma I’ve ever had to face.
Eagle Peak, Air Force Academy
I had no other options at this point, but instead of feeling sorry for myself, I began calling various schools that I would be interested in attending. After a few weeks and several unsuccessful phone calls seeking an educational and athletic opportunity, I remained strong.
I continued to persevere.
Finally, I was given the opportunity to play football for the Air Force Academy, a lifelong dream of mine. In the end, this experience taught me how to be a man and handle situations with maturity. Integrity is having the courage to meet the demands of your reality. I felt I’ve accomplished meeting the demands of my reality in this situation. After dealing with this issue, I believe I will be able to handle unfavorable situations honorably in the future.
I’m extremely proud of you Champ.
That is my “Truth Be Told” for May 6, 2014. (tbtt . #55)
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