I Want Awesome


inspiring an overwhelming feeling of reverence, admiration, or fear; causing or inducing awe: an awesome sight.




It’s Tuesday again, and you know what that means… today is Truth Be Told Tuesday. Thanks for checking in.


The mind of a young child is as fearless as it is innocent. Its curiosity is limitless and knows no boundaries. In most instances a child’s mind is free from pessimism and apathy, prejudice and hatred. Walt Disney lamented the importance of children and staying young when he said; “The real trouble with the world is too many people grow up.”


No truer words have ever been spoken.


There is a concept known as the ‘beginner’s mind’, which is said to be an attitude of openness, eagerness and lack of preconceptions, very similar to that of a child. 


This past week I was reminded of this theory when I found on my desk an assignment my nine-year-old son completed earlier in the week. It was a writing task that was to simply state the top ten things he would like to do before attending college.




Hands on hips and ready for some awesome… (2013)



Things I Want To Do Before College:


1.Be awesome

2.Try almond butter

3.Get awesome friends

4.Remember about my past

5.Buy a mansion

6.Play football

7.Play basketball

8.Get a cat & dog

9.Get a flat screen TV

10.  Road trip to California – Hollywood


Ryan William “Awesome”



As I completed reading my son’s words I realized I had just read something precious and priceless. There could be no email, bank statement, or letter that could move my heart more than his words.


I loved my son’s list accept for the cat. There will be no cat in the Bailey household.


Anyway, I believe it’s my responsibility to aid my children in having an awesome childhood.


The key is to point out what is truly awesome.


My goal is to teach him that the true definition of awesome is not centered on material items or experiences, but the relationships we develop and cultivate with man and with God.


Everything in life is built on the foundation of relationship. Life is relational.


As I teach him, and his siblings, the true definition of awesome, I hope my heart is always open to introducing new adventures and items to him, new things like almond butter, and teach him the value of having meaningful relationships.


I hope I show him the importance of looking forward to the future, while at the same time honoring his past with respect and reverence.


I hope the home he grows up in becomes a mansion to him in his heart.


I hope I will teach him the tremendous responsibility that goes along with playing sports, and that it’s a privilege and honor to participate in a competitive battle.


I hope I teach him that competition is to be respected.


I hope I show him who’s truly man’s best friend. I hope I teach him to hold on loosely to material items, and encourage him to embrace different cultures while he travels this earth.


In the end, I hope I can give Ryan more joy than he’s given me in his short nine years on this earth.




Ryan & Addison (summer 2013)



Fyodor Dostoevsky said “the soul is healed by being with children.”


I agree. Children are special.


Children hold a special place in God’s heart as well. Mark 10:4 states; “Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these.”


Psalm 127:3-5 shares these words:


Behold, children are a heritage from the LORD, the fruit of the womb a reward. Like arrows in the hand of a warrior are the children of one’s youth. Blessed is the man who fills his quiver with them! He shall not be put to shame when he speaks with his enemies in the gate.”


Like I said, children are special, and the their thoughts and words have the ability to enable them to dream big. They also carry with them the ability to encourage.


I’m encouraged that Ryan wants to experience “awesome” in his life. His words have encouraged me to want the same.


As we grow up there are times we forget that awesome is a possibility each and every day.


Sometimes we need to have a child-like attitude, believing all things are possible.


Ephesians 3:20 states that God “is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us.”


When you review those words in your mind you can’t help but feel the excitement of that statement. You can’t help but realize the power and peace that awaits all who have childlike faith and who put their trust in the creator of the heavens and earth.


When you think about it, it’s pretty awesome to contemplate the things God has in store for us, His children, if we just trust Him.


That is my “Truth Be Told” for March 18, 2014  (tbtt . #48)



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