I CAN Get Satisfaction


to undergo or feel pain or distress: The patient is still suffering.




It’s Tuesday again, and you know what that means… today is Truth Be Told Tuesday. Thanks for checking in.


Many a thing does provide happiness.


Trips to foreign destinations, material wealth and the bliss of a new romantic love all qualify for providing happiness in one’s life. There are times of parental pride; positive performance reviews and financial gain that can make many people think aloud; “Is there anything better than this?”


I say yes there is, yes there is something, someone that is better than any temporary happiness we might enjoy on this earth.


Webster defines happiness as, “delighted, pleased, or glad, as over a particular thing.”


Happiness is a good thing.


On the other hand joy is defined as; “the emotion of great delight or happiness caused by something exceptionally good or satisfying; keen pleasure; elation.”


I love the word keen; it’s so specific and descriptive.


I mentioned earlier that “many a thing does provide happiness”; true, but I would add that the many things that can, and do, bring about happiness aren’t long lasting and can’t provide complete 



And as much as I love my Wife, my children, my family and the fact that one of my older boys tweeted this past Christmas; “Great Christmas Eve with the family”, with all that, there is no one thing, nothing, that can provide the deep reservoir of satisfaction and pure joy; keen pleasure, that having a personal relationship with Jesus Christ can.

“Just so, I tell you, there will be more joy in heaven over one sinner who repents than over ninety-nine righteous persons who need no repentance.”

-Luke 15:7

I have found nothing that compares to the peace, hope, love and JOY one experiences with acknowledging, accepting and answering His will for one’s life.




If you get a chance today quiet yourself and reflect upon happiness you have in your life. Ask yourself if you’re experiencing joy? Pure joy. If not consider your options for joy.


What about God and His perfect will for your life?



It’s important to reflect upon God’s splendor.


In the end, nothing can provide the type of delight or happiness; nothing is more exceptionally good or satisfying than accepting Jesus Christ as your personal savior. Keen pleasure and pure elation awaits all that would say yes to His perfect presence in your life.


Say yes to joy; say yes to Jesus Christ.


This is my Truth Be Told for June 4, 2013.  (tbtt . #8)


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Things . Bebe & Cece Winans


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 . “Table with a View” – photo provided by Ritz Carlton/Amelia Island












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